
No gambling in SecondLife - what will become of the alter universe build for exactly that !?

Wow, that was my first though, when I read this over at techcrunch today.

Being a bit of a fallen SL user, with an avatar left to meet it's maker (for now), it's a bit interesting to see what direction Second Life will take from here.
Maybe in the long run, it can help save SL transforming it from this sex-focused money-making world, into a more true place of social interaction. Just maybe...

I'm not jumping back into the SL world, mainly because it's still too time consuming, and my original question "How do i combine my FirstLife with my SecondLife?" has jet to be answered. I do not believe this to be the future of web(3.0) (shame on me - I don't know if web3.0 is as bad to say as web2.0 - is it?)

The true web3.0 - in terms of social interaction, will be much more based on a closer sibling of the browser we know today. I think examples like Flock and the ideas like XFN is more likely to be the near future of the web. (again I know that "web" is a huge concept, just like web2.0)

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Very inspiring - watching this over and over again!

I must admit I do not work that way, but on the other hand i see no reason not to! Or at least parts of it. I'd like to meet some people once in a while, but of cause it shows the capabilities of our wonderful Internet, and some simple tools.

It's goes to show that you can do without the giant software companies, but sadly it also pokes at the core of why not so many companies are successful living the full web2.0 (shame on me) dream; It takes every one to get it rolling! I've trying running a project blog - i was tired of my boss asking "what are you doing, what have you been up to this week?", so I started a blog - the problem was, he didn't understand the value, and did not check it...

Anyways, take a look, it's a slideshare

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Decentralizing your social network to multiple network services

I had read about it some time ago, and was very interested to hear that there actually was some thought put into the growing problem of multiple social networks like LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook and so on...

Each compeeting each other on different user-expierence/ social angles; business, hobby or some other form of category - Leaving the users in a bit of a predicament, since using only one network-service rule may rule out a lot of friends not associated with that network.

In effect that means you would have to join any networks your friends are using, and/or making them join yours.
Getting your friends to join a network like LinkedIn, if they are not in the business of professional networking but maybe active on MySpace, can be quite hard - and will eventually just leave you and your friends with a lot of networks to update.

Seperating the basic metadata from the network part gives you the ability (in the future) to have friends on multiple networks, but not forceing you to activly join each and every network yourself.

XFN does exactly that - Defining the social relationship between people through simple linking - an advanced blogroll if you will.

Read all about XFN here, and join!!!

Which i found through this post on Scobleizer

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