
RSS reader of my dreams

Sitting going through another 100+ feeds in my Google reader, i tend to get annoyed by the numerous feeds about the same subject - having to decide each time weather I want to read it or not.

Right now i see two ways of solving this.

1. Have an intelligent reader which analyze the text in each feed, to categorize it. The objective is of course to group related posts together, giving me the choice to "mark as read" on the entire group when read the ones I found interesting.

2. hmm, nope i guess i only saw one... Anyone with some similar ideas?

In best Scoble style I'm going to publish my Google trends - which is evidence to the fact that I had an offline vacation :
From your 123 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 827 items, starred 80 items, and shared 17 items
You don't have to read 123 feeds - you can all ways find all my shared items to the right- on the blog.

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When people actually think...

I love when a product in it's simplest form bares evidence of the people behind it actually sitting down/taking time to think new thoughts.
Musicovery is for me such a product, and watching the simple but very intuit iv GUI of this app. is very inspiring.

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Future vendor of silence...

Just read about NOSO (=NOSOCIAL) which is quite interesting from a workspace point of view.

Of cause it's a bit extreme to have a (social)network to support you in your non-social efforts... but from my point of view, the facilitating of noise-free environment's might be a future commodity.

The trend is all ready forming in work spaces today. The big open office spaces are no longer the main trend. More and more social spaces, meeting, relaxing, thinking spaces find their way into the general office space. We all ready know that the mind needs "quiet time" to filter and form inputs to new meanings and ideas. So why not offer a place with complete silence for your thoughts to be heard?

Personally my imagination runs wild under the shower, and (sorry) on the toilet during the day...
When you think about it, where else are we granted complete solitude?

Where do you go to think?

Where do you get the next good idea?

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If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

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