
Quality is not a factor you control

I'm not the inventor of this "quality triangle" - but after giving it some thought as to what my most valuable lesson has been as a project manager so far, it must be something that I actually learned while still programming: Quality is not a factor you control, thus

The quality conundrum !

It's simple and can explain a LOT of things to non tech. people and the like, when it comes to projects in the Internet business.

I'm an Edgling i know

What the hell is an edgling?

Yet another private beta I'm signing up to ;)

Mod My Life sounds too crazy to go unnoticed -
Is this the way reality tv is going to be in the future? What happens if you run in to a person controlled by someone else - how do you maintain control of your own actions in relation to that person???


DK| Bloggratisavis projketet får en lukewarm afstemning...

I Blogmagasinet #16 var der opfordring til en afstemning om bloggratisavis - se resultatet her

Fordelingen er kort fortalt

  • Genialt! Jeg vil smaddergerne deltage i større eller mindre grad. (20%, 3 stemmer)
  • Udmærket. Jeg vil følge udviklingen nøje og måske være med. (47%, 7 stemmer)
  • Jeg vil følge udviklingen og læse med, men det er så også det. (13%, 2 stemmer)
  • Det lyder godt, men ved ikke om det ville fænge mig. (7%, 1 stemmer)
  • Jeg synes ikke idéen holder. (13%, 2 stemmer)
Såå, jeg vil jo håbe at de 47% vil lade sig lokke til at deltage med et par links til posts en gang imellem ;)


Got a new job at The Voice

Got a new job at The Voice as a webproducer! I'm really exited about it and can't wait to get started.

It's going to be an interesting December for me - starting it off being in Africa, then home to a Christmas party at The Voice, and the the following Monday my very first day - wow!


If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

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