
If The Long Tail is the basis of the future of Internet, then isn't the Lifestream phenomenon going against that?

The basic premise of The Long Tail is that the internet has made it possible distribute low volume highly focused content (well just about anything) at no cost at all. Changing how we produce and distribute things.

As you can read in the Wikipedia article on The Long Tail, it has many applications.

Image:Long tail.svgYou could say that the internet has enabled the Long Tail, but it is also a Long Tail in itself.
That is visible in the increasing number of blogs, niche/specialized services like rent-a-bag.com, lulu.com... you name some youself and put them in a comment please :)

It's all services that provides or enables you to provide niche products in low volumne to a large audience.

My argument
Lifestreaming services that make an effort in collecting and dirstibuting a persons digital life into one big stream - the biggest and brightest right now: friendfeed.com
- is going against the theory of The Long Tail

I'm a person:
- i have many interestes
- i have different friend or friend-groups
- i express my interestest different to different people

I'm a distrubition of products:
- I have many products
- I have different customers or customer-groups
- I express/distribute my products diffrent to different customers

Well according to the Long Tail.

So in essens, I should Long Tail my stream going towads the 80% and not the 20% shown in the green area on the graph...
I should have many streams depending on what product i'm distributing and who is the intented reciver.

Short example: My friends might like to see photo's of me doing acrobatics last saturday, but my parents might not, though they might like to see the photos of me on holiday...

Get my point?


Bilvask hack

Q8's tank bag SAS på amager har en lidt speciel vaskehal... Jeg købte en standard vask, kørte bilen HELT ned til den bagerste port, bakkede helt ud, satte kortet i automaten - mens jeg stadig sad i bilen, kortet skubbes ud med beskeden "bilen er ikke på plads" så jeg kørte ind til "første" stop. Automaten går straks igang...

Altså jeg holder nu og får en vask men jeg har stadig kortet som automaten skulle have taget... 2 vask til 1 pris..!

Prøv om du også kan ;)


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