
New blogs I'm in - somehow

Just a shout out to get some Linklove for a couple of blogs I'm participating in:

100idears (in danish)
My brothers new blog about ideation, ideageneration, innovation - how do we do it?
He's involved in a lot of different innovative projects in his job, and i kindly asked him to start blogging about it! It's still new, but it should be interesting to get an insight in the idea-process of the danish library.

Jeg gjordet det selv - bloggen (in danish)
A new blog I started a few day's ago - it meant as a help to self-help (if you can say that in English). I'm not an expert in the home improvement department, but I've done my fair share of house renovation - enough to share some insights weather it be about making your paintings stick to the wall or fixing the radiator before it gets too cold out there.
You can submit a question, issue or whatever you want me and others to help show and tell - all in the name of making you go "Jeg gjordet det selv!" (I did it myself!).

This is pure linklove, because i find this a very intriguing concept - and I would suggest you participate in what ever way you would like.

A free Blog "news" paper - project (in danish)
This is a project which is gaining momentum - and I'm very exited in where it might end - go have a look, read the whole thing - especially the comments, that's where the juice is.
I'm taking part - so could you.


Karin Høgh said...

Kaare - you are everywhere??? - offline and online - how do you manage that???

Kåre Mulvad said...

I asked myself that same question this morning - in the shower.

And you know what, I forgot to mention workatcafe.com (which right now - because of domain issues, only work from cafeatwork.dk)

which is my own thought project - or think-tank maybe... don't know yet - it's a very new brainchild of mine - so maybe the real answer to your question Karin, is that I can't manage.

I'm a starter - so i start things, some get a life of it's own, and some might be doomed to die, but that's ok - if I didn't start it, we wouldn't know if it was a good idea right :)

Regarding the whole off line online thing - I'm very happy to be part of this blog-paper project. It's been a passion of mine, to merge tech into the real world for years, and this is a very cool approach to that!


If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

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