
Google Sites - it's a wiki, but then it's not...

I've used google sites for a while now, and I know it's not a wiki, as my headline suggests ;)

It's a really good alternative to Microsoft Sharepoint - infact I'd say Sharepoint is an odd alternative to Google Sites you'd only choose if you have oceans of money....

If I where to start a company today, I wouldn't hesitate to go all google. Google Sites, Docs, Groups, Calendars .... Face it, Outlook only did the calendar overlay in the 2007 version because Google had it ;) I bet it's like that with a lot of things... so why pay, when you can get if for free.

Anyway, back to Google Sites - and the wiki part. One thing I would like, is the [link] feature of wikis - and the fact you can make links to non existing pages...

Any other wiki like features, or other features I've overseen?


Best news this week (maybe month) - Zyb buy's Imity!!!

Zyb, the online phone book-mobile backup-social network, bought Imity, a bluetooth tech. service for you mobile, that let you know when you are in the vicinity of your friends... Zyb + Imity = FUTURE POWER!!!
Danish article - http://www.computerworld.dk/art/45465?a=newsletter&i=1728&cid=18


Cool Ad from TDC - Fake article to convince your boss to buy you mobile Internet

It is really cool - try it
Though the most funny part was that Debitel (a TDC competitor) have bought the banner ad on the page, with a similar product - good work Debitel.


Decentralized content - a new trend/way of doing it...

I really liked Modernistas new website
Now the Danish Markedsførings hus (all danish) is writing about another site following the trend; Wibroe, Duckert & Partners
But COME ON !! Part of doing the decentralized content - especially if you're in the web business - you choose "content providers" for you own website, that has a bit of bite, a bit of edge - new feel, or being on the edge in some way, when it comes to web - You DO NOT use De Gule Sider (An old school online phone book app.) - you use Google Maps, findvej.dk, www.biq.dk or any other way of showing your address / company details.

I'd suggest Wibroe to be a bit more creative and not using Google search on all their links too - You have to remember, that even though you use external sites to show your content, you're still responsible for the overall look and feel, and it still sends a message to your visitors.


If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

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