
Quality is not a factor you control

I'm not the inventor of this "quality triangle" - but after giving it some thought as to what my most valuable lesson has been as a project manager so far, it must be something that I actually learned while still programming: Quality is not a factor you control, thus

The quality conundrum !

It's simple and can explain a LOT of things to non tech. people and the like, when it comes to projects in the Internet business.

I'm an Edgling i know

What the hell is an edgling?

Yet another private beta I'm signing up to ;)

Mod My Life sounds too crazy to go unnoticed -
Is this the way reality tv is going to be in the future? What happens if you run in to a person controlled by someone else - how do you maintain control of your own actions in relation to that person???


DK| Bloggratisavis projketet får en lukewarm afstemning...

I Blogmagasinet #16 var der opfordring til en afstemning om bloggratisavis - se resultatet her

Fordelingen er kort fortalt

  • Genialt! Jeg vil smaddergerne deltage i større eller mindre grad. (20%, 3 stemmer)
  • Udmærket. Jeg vil følge udviklingen nøje og måske være med. (47%, 7 stemmer)
  • Jeg vil følge udviklingen og læse med, men det er så også det. (13%, 2 stemmer)
  • Det lyder godt, men ved ikke om det ville fænge mig. (7%, 1 stemmer)
  • Jeg synes ikke idéen holder. (13%, 2 stemmer)
Såå, jeg vil jo håbe at de 47% vil lade sig lokke til at deltage med et par links til posts en gang imellem ;)


Got a new job at The Voice

Got a new job at The Voice as a webproducer! I'm really exited about it and can't wait to get started.

It's going to be an interesting December for me - starting it off being in Africa, then home to a Christmas party at The Voice, and the the following Monday my very first day - wow!


DK| Bloggratisavis projektet får egen blog!

For at kunne koncentrere snakken lidt, har Bloggratisavis projektet fået sin helt egen blog - frit for enhver at være med i og det glæder jo også resten af konceptet:


Vores DIGG klogn aka Syndikatet

Håber at vi ifb. med de mange politiske indspark ifb. med valget får nogle gode blogposts med til første udgivelse - så op i gear, og smid de gode posts i systemet!


Blogmagasinet interviewer Jeppe Kabell om Bloggratisavis
Jeg vil også opfordre folk til at deltage i den lille afstemning i højre side på Blogmagasinets side "Hvad siger du til bloggratisavisen?"

Tidligere blev Bloggratisavise nævnt i Beocast - læs min kommentarer og lyt.


Vores egent Willumsgaard2.0 er jo stillet op til Folketinget for NA - se hans nye blog her, måske der er et par gode posts der kan gafles i ny og næ...


The Art of Complex Problem Solving

I can't remember how i found this, but it is a very visual explanation of the processes of complex problem solving - or ideation as I would angle it...

It's made by Marshall Clemens and he has a lot of other great visualizations on his website - go see!

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DK| Bloggratisavis projektet vs. kollektiv Rød stue

Jeppe Kabell gjorde mig opmærksom på at det yderst spændende og svært definer bare projekt bloggratisavis bliver vendt og drejet af Joachim Oschlag og Jesper Balslev i deres Beocast #5 - alle ca. 20 min!

De har nogle gode pointer, som jeg støtter op om:
- Det dør, hvis det bliver for meget røde-mor-kollektiv-alle-skal-være-med-i-alle-beslutninger
- Det lever hvis der er en form for hård kerne af "smagsdommere" der udvælger og publicerer

At Digg-klonen Pligg, godt nok åbner op for at alle kan være med, ser jeg blot som en lav indgangsbarriere (eller ikke eksisterende), for at være med som smagsdommer - jeg tror over tid, at der vil være en semi-dynamisk kerne af folk omkring projektet, som sørger for at der bliver gjort opmærksom på og stemt på de blogsposts der findes ude i den danske blogosfære.

Mht. den brainstorm der har været på navnet - så er det så absolut ikke udtryk for at alle beslutninger skal tages således, men for simple ting som (er sekundære) et navn, så er en brainstorm jo perfekt, og noget ALLE kan være med i. Og jeg vil opfordre folk til at stemme - også uden at komme med nye bud :)

Og helt rigtigt, så er det bare om at komme ud over stepperne, og få smækket et issue#1 ud, så vi kan se hvad det kan blive til i fremtiden. Og nej, hvis det skulle gå hen og dø, jammen så er det sådan det går, og så har vi prøvet det med :)


DK| Claus Dahl gir den gas med wæbtuøv slang - læs og lær!

Så absolut en af de bedste posts jeg har læst i et stykke tid - og så er den handy i en snæver vending ved web20-events i foråret - måske Claus skal overveje at opdatere de flygtige slangudtryk en gang i måneden eller oftere, alt efter hvor wæbtuøv vinden blæser.

Af geniale udtryk kan listes:
- "wæbtuøv"
- "Du bliver sværere at forstå og opleves som klogere, end du er" - har jeg helt sikkert benyttet mig af :)
- "Flyt kommaer de rigtige steder"
- "Tag clouds er som laserlys til rockkoncerter: GAMMELDAGS" - ville jeg gerne have kendt for 1½ mdr. siden...
- "...det er pulsen, der har fingeren på dig"

Min helt egen wæbtuøv trend hedder:

"Det handler alt sammen om at brugermedier går native med et twist af cool earth"

Det tror jeg sgu på!

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New blogs I'm in - somehow

Just a shout out to get some Linklove for a couple of blogs I'm participating in:

100idears (in danish)
My brothers new blog about ideation, ideageneration, innovation - how do we do it?
He's involved in a lot of different innovative projects in his job, and i kindly asked him to start blogging about it! It's still new, but it should be interesting to get an insight in the idea-process of the danish library.

Jeg gjordet det selv - bloggen (in danish)
A new blog I started a few day's ago - it meant as a help to self-help (if you can say that in English). I'm not an expert in the home improvement department, but I've done my fair share of house renovation - enough to share some insights weather it be about making your paintings stick to the wall or fixing the radiator before it gets too cold out there.
You can submit a question, issue or whatever you want me and others to help show and tell - all in the name of making you go "Jeg gjordet det selv!" (I did it myself!).

This is pure linklove, because i find this a very intriguing concept - and I would suggest you participate in what ever way you would like.

A free Blog "news" paper - project (in danish)
This is a project which is gaining momentum - and I'm very exited in where it might end - go have a look, read the whole thing - especially the comments, that's where the juice is.
I'm taking part - so could you.


DK| 1,2,3 og så er der en jeg gjorde det selv - blog på banen

Jeg kom til at læse om Najda Pass' første forsøg med en bormaskine. Det indholdsrige kommentarspore og en efterfølgende hæftig idegenering
har nu resulteret i en ny blog "Jeg gjorde det selv"-bloggen som er sat i verden til at sprede det gode gør-det-selv gen, som vi alle ligger inde med. Det kræver bare et skub i den rigtige retning, og det kan vi være fælles om at give.

Så klik ind og se om der ligger en beretning eller et trick til hvordan en radiator "luftes", så den giver god varme i vinteren. Hvis du ikke finder det du leder efter, så smid en mail til core@makebelieve.dk - så vil jeg lave et indlæg om netop dit problem.

Du skal også være velkommen til at skrive en beretning om en af dine egne gør-det-selv episoder, så den kan stå til skue, skræk og advarsel - eller generel opslyning om hvad man kan og ikke kan/skal gøre som glad gør-det-selv'er.

Håber i vil bruge den nye blog flittigt :)

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Is this allowed?

There is actually 2 of these - one for the e-mail and one for the phone number, both of which you HAVE to select in order to get the free trail of Live Meeting. I can't believe that i actually went through with it - if somebody call me, I will through a fit!


I got tagged ! - so here are 8 things you might not know about me...

I did not see this coming Karin, but thanks.

If you went - "what the hell is this", here is the Meme and the Memetag wikipedia explanation.

So let me just jump right into it... Here's 8 things about me - Kåre Mulvad, ´78 male, CPH@DK@Earth:

1. I've found the love of my life: Louise, we tried having a house 25km from Århus, 2 cars and 2 cats Vegas and Bastian. Sold the house when we where finished revamping it - now we live in CPH 1112 - the best thing we ever did!
We miss having the cats - and I tell you, having those buggers running around you made both of us real animal lovers. Having cats though you have to make the choice to accept birds as collateral damage.

2. I'm a passionate kiteflier mostly Buggy and All-Train-Boards - I gladly drive 3 hours to Rømø to spend the weekend, sleeping in the car :)

3. I had a stress related leave of absence for approx. 3 months in 2006 - something i wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to experience! (I have no enemies)
Made me consciously aware of where I'm going with my life (not necessarily having a clear goal - hence Goal-free-living)

4. I mostly read books about creativity, innovation and web(2.0) - and "Happy hour is 9 to 5" which i just got ;) Read on an average of 30 blogposts a day, from 110 feeds... that takes some time you know, so i begun cutting the crap. If it's not within my field of interest or otherwise has caught my attention - it's gone!
Techcrunch went, Blognation might disappear as well - those kind of blogs are for skimming once a week at most - doesn't need RSS for that...

5. Sometimes it feels like my mind is exploding with what if's, why is that's and could we do's - That's actually the reason why I started blogging.
I use a lot of energy to keep my mind sane - one way is to see the big picture, and only go in detail when it's focus-time...
If nothing else does the trick I make a mindmap ;)

6. I "grew up" with PC, even got a SharePoint "poweruser" course on my CV - but in reality I'd much rather have a MAC - haven't worked on a Mac for more than 30 min. all in all, but the design makes me want one soooo bad! I believe the only app. i need is Firefox - seeing this one made me a believer.

7. I unsubscripted the Danish church tax "thing" on my 18th birthday - I don't believe - I makebelieve... It's so much more fun!

8. Wondering if I should put an "i" in front of makebelieve - iMakebelieve.dk ? - what do you think ???

That was my eight, some might come as a surprise, some might not - hope you enjoyed :)

I'd like to send a tag to:

Nadja from Share A Brainwave - and I'm doing so by posting a wave on the brainwave blog, since this is a meme wave.
Jannik Mulvad - My brother which is working more on creative IT installations, than any other I know in DK (and recently created a blog)
Anand Chhatpar - An interesting person behind the site Brainreactions.net
Alexander Kjerulf - Because he inspires me very much.
Martin B. Justesen - because he's my friend!


1st. International Blog Cup - October 2007

Just saw this over at ProBlogger. A Blog vs. Blog type voting, in search of the best blogs. Greate concept, wondering where Blognation.com is...

But besides that, It's a good chance to check if you are following the right blogs, and stuck up on a few more RSS feeds ;)

Enjoy the list here

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It doesn't take a degree to be innovative!

I've been saying this for a while - with no backup but my own network to look at - the true innovative ideas is not (only) coming from the well educated portion of the employees. Without finding a paper to support that idea but a lot of other voices in the blogosphere, I tried to do a picture search on flickr on "innovative" and this picture came up.

It has a slightly different approach to the sources to innovative ideas (as the title says), but interesting fact here is not that employees are top scores here. What's more interesting is that the second, third, forth, fifth AND sixth place are EXTERNAL sources - something a lot of companies have not realized yet.

I think today this list in most companies (if asked) would read: Employees, Internal sales and R&D (in that order)
Where the Sales dep. by historic reference is taking the "external vibes" into the company... well it does to some degree i guess, but i doubt it does so in the amount of ideas combined in the external sources listed.

Reasons for not recognizing (some of) the external sources:

Customers - "They don't know what's good for them?"

Competitors - "They would just steal our ideas!"

Do you have "quotes" for the other external sources ??

Read the article related to the picture here

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Was Opasia an early version of a virtual world ?

I was having a nice dinner with Karin Hoegh after Open Coffee Club the other day- among a lot of things we remembered, what we thought, could be called the first Virtual World (attempt) in Denmark: Opasia.

Do you remember Opasia DK ?

Yes yes, it wasn't a "virtual" world back then, but if TDC had made Opasia today - wouldn't it have been one ?

Opasia was a brainchild of TDC. Bundled with their Lasat modems, Opasia was an so and so integrated part of your first TDC internet expirience. Trying to create a world/space/community/ portal to the internet.

Opasia, it still brings a smile to my face, not because i used it - i as probably many of you, quickly worked around it, and installed my own - non tdc version of the IE browser.

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The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun

Watch the one hour long presentation Scott Berkun did at Google - found the link at Classy's Kitchen

Scott Berkun is talking about his new book Myths of Innovation, and it's actually a greate story about how old innovations is, and how it's understood.

Update: I found this 10min. version - if the time is of essence ;)


How often should you change design on your website?

A question I never though coming, and then it did - a month or so ago... The question never really came up before, but then again, I never worked a place where the website was 10+years old... (might be overreacting a bit but judge for yourself here www.bordingdata.dk)

Actually I think the question came with some choices:

- Every second year?
- Every third year?
- Every fifth year?

Not being a designer or anything, my answer is:

"Well, it depends on which design you are changing from, and how the marked you are working in is developing"

- do you agree?

In general though, i would say that the more "time-less" your design is, the longer it can live. Back when I worked at www.dba.dk we almost always worked towards a re-design, and at that time we where releasing a new design approximately every second year - so maybe that is the answer...?

But on the other hand, if you have a relatively "light" design with a good CMS underneath, then the ability to make your website dynamic will do wonders to your websites life cycle - prolonging it that is...

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Merging work and family life part 2

As part of a weekend trip with work, we thought of trying to get to know one another on a more personal level than just work. To spark the talks, we decided to ask people to find some pictures that would tell something about who they really are - out side of work.

This is a post which builds on the idea behind an old blogpost:
Merging work and family life

Lukely I come from a family used to take tons of photos, so I had a lot to choose from. The process of looking over my old photos with that in mind that it should "define me" was very mindbobbling. What does actually define you !?!

I came up with photos of:

- My old (not have any longer) truck, which I loved to hill-billy around in.
- Me and my girlfriend moving from ...
- Aarhus(Odder) ...
- ...to Copenhagen
- I love cows (And i don't know why)
- My love of my life Louise - here in my dads hot air balloon.
- And oh year, my hobby - Kites.

(I didn't post the pictures here - but they are all here: makebelieve.dk)

I know it can be misunderstood that Louise is not mentioned as the very first - but you should know she is with me in all the defining steps of my life!

One thing that surprises me, is that I thought that KITES would be more prominent, but it actually isn't right now.
That said, of cause such "defining pictures" alters throughout your life. New ones will be added and others will disappear.

I like the idea of showing parts of the private life at work - the persona's or ideals with which we deal and live with through out our entire life defines us - no matter work of private...

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Humans are peak performers

My post on "The most important factor driving innovation is a company's internal culture" got me thinking about my own motivation, and what happened during a day - where some things happen easier than others, and where time-of-day, timing in general, task, people, environment and so on all makes an impact on my overall performance RIGHT NOW.

Many years ago i attended a company course day - called something like "organize yourself" or "find your personal rhythm". Focusing on the energy level and thus focus that each person could maintain during different phases of the day. Each attendee ended up with a chart where we plotted our personal feelings on energy and focus during the phases of the day. On top of this we then allotted time boxes with tasks like "checking e-mail", "meetings", "project time" and so on... The idea was great, and I think it helped... as long as you remembered to look at your personal chart when booking meetings and so on ;)

As the title suggests, I do not believe we can stay "on the top" during a whole day, and when that is said, of cause you need to put the tasks at the right time... but also ,and more important, you need to do ONLY the tasks that is right for you- with your specific "rhythm".

I tried to define some simple elements, from which I could create a cart.

For each of the elements, I've put a value between 0 and 5 for each of the phases of the day; Morning, Before noon, noon, After noon, Evening, Night.
The elements I've decided for is; Concentration, Creativity, Happiness, Energy (and ? - because there are probably a lot more you could track)

The following chart then appears.

I've not spend to much time on actually defining the right values for myself - but set them from a general perspective. By that I've made some general assumptions like.
- Energy is low at night and high in the morning.
- Most people are creative either in the morning or just before they go to sleep.
- You are more happy when not working ;)
- Concentration has a dip just around noon - you are hungry, energy is taking a small dip as well and maybe not feeling too creative.

Now, a chart like this is actually not static at all. All of the elements can be more or less directly influenced by outside disturbances - positive and negative (symbolized by the red and green arrows). But just as important, the elements them self influence each other.

- Energy levels can be influenced by sleep, food, and happiness - among a few.
- Concentration - as explained above...
- Happiness can be influenced by other persons (with their own element-chart)
and so on...

I've just scratched the surface on a workspace / GTD related issue, and I'm sure lots of people has done much more research in this direction in relation to which elements to track, how they are best tracked and which outside elements influence each of the elements.

I also think this is interesting in regards to which job's and tasks a person would do particular good. I imagine that a similar chart could be made from the definition of a job- a chart that would be more static that the one for a person.

Just read about an out-there version of charting a persons different elements during a day.
An auto diary which depicts a day automatically based on sms's, pictures, movement and pulse... other element that I'm talking about but still...


Another great article in Report 103 on Visual Brainstorming

Jeffery Baumgartner brings a thoughtful description on using more visual tools in a brainstorming process. I agree with most of it - though i do believe that conventional text/word based brainstorms still has it's rights in some instances.

One thing I especially like is this:

Incidentally, research has also shown that while verbal brainstorming in a single location often brings less creative results than individual creativity, on-line brainstorming using web based tools is more effective than on-site brainstorming or individual brainstorming.

I've had more successful on line brainstorms facilitated by everything from a shared document, mind map, skype or even a combination of text messaging, sending pictures, links and drawings, than localized ones with the same success factor. So I think there might be some truth in this.

I also think that Anand Chhatpar - which I'm fortunate to have had good chats and brainstorms with, thought of this a while back when he created http://www.brainreactions.net/

I've used it far less than i should and could have, but I think it might come to it's rights, especially if you use it even if the brainstorm is localized. I think it has great potential regarding idea-collection and later idea management.

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The most important factor driving innovation is a company’s internal culture

New ways of measuring innovation points to internal company culture as one of the lead factors in defining a company as innovative.

I know there has been discussions weather beanbags and such could spur the innovative culture in a company - which it still can't !! But rather it's the overall mindset of the people working in that company which defines the culture.

This is also interesting when it comes to talking about idea-generation and management systems such as Dell's Ideastorm and Idéoffensiv - a danish county's idea generation tool made by Socialsquare.

Because one thing is setting up the physical collection of ideas from various sources, another is actually qualifying those ideas into use full information and in turn projects/solutions.

This is where the culture of the company comes to play - if the ideation is not supported in the company, a lot of ideas won't make the difference. They have to be matured...

Read the whole article on Innovationtools

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Passive and Active Creativity

In the September 07 issue of Report 103 is a very interesting article on creativity. For many creative involved people, this might seem as just a precision of something they all ready know, but I especially like this paragraph:

Although the exact process is not clear, it seems that the biochemical process of the brain restructures memories before storing them during the night. This restructuring most likely allows our minds to see problems in new ways and so bring new solutions to them. (Ref: http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/01/21/sleep.creativity.ap/index.html)
As stated in the article - sleeping on a problem is not exactly new, though this gives me a clue as to why i often describe my "most creative" period as being in the shower each morning.

The article also touches another interesting creativity-issue - the space or beeing-space. Getting out and about, changing the setting in which you think is a powerful but yet overlooked tool in today's company culture. (No IKEA been bags is not enough - an article about where your ideas come from in Danish)


RSS reader of my dreams

Sitting going through another 100+ feeds in my Google reader, i tend to get annoyed by the numerous feeds about the same subject - having to decide each time weather I want to read it or not.

Right now i see two ways of solving this.

1. Have an intelligent reader which analyze the text in each feed, to categorize it. The objective is of course to group related posts together, giving me the choice to "mark as read" on the entire group when read the ones I found interesting.

2. hmm, nope i guess i only saw one... Anyone with some similar ideas?

In best Scoble style I'm going to publish my Google trends - which is evidence to the fact that I had an offline vacation :
From your 123 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 827 items, starred 80 items, and shared 17 items
You don't have to read 123 feeds - you can all ways find all my shared items to the right- on the blog.

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When people actually think...

I love when a product in it's simplest form bares evidence of the people behind it actually sitting down/taking time to think new thoughts.
Musicovery is for me such a product, and watching the simple but very intuit iv GUI of this app. is very inspiring.

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Future vendor of silence...

Just read about NOSO (=NOSOCIAL) which is quite interesting from a workspace point of view.

Of cause it's a bit extreme to have a (social)network to support you in your non-social efforts... but from my point of view, the facilitating of noise-free environment's might be a future commodity.

The trend is all ready forming in work spaces today. The big open office spaces are no longer the main trend. More and more social spaces, meeting, relaxing, thinking spaces find their way into the general office space. We all ready know that the mind needs "quiet time" to filter and form inputs to new meanings and ideas. So why not offer a place with complete silence for your thoughts to be heard?

Personally my imagination runs wild under the shower, and (sorry) on the toilet during the day...
When you think about it, where else are we granted complete solitude?

Where do you go to think?

Where do you get the next good idea?

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No gambling in SecondLife - what will become of the alter universe build for exactly that !?

Wow, that was my first though, when I read this over at techcrunch today.

Being a bit of a fallen SL user, with an avatar left to meet it's maker (for now), it's a bit interesting to see what direction Second Life will take from here.
Maybe in the long run, it can help save SL transforming it from this sex-focused money-making world, into a more true place of social interaction. Just maybe...

I'm not jumping back into the SL world, mainly because it's still too time consuming, and my original question "How do i combine my FirstLife with my SecondLife?" has jet to be answered. I do not believe this to be the future of web(3.0) (shame on me - I don't know if web3.0 is as bad to say as web2.0 - is it?)

The true web3.0 - in terms of social interaction, will be much more based on a closer sibling of the browser we know today. I think examples like Flock and the ideas like XFN is more likely to be the near future of the web. (again I know that "web" is a huge concept, just like web2.0)

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Very inspiring - watching this over and over again!

I must admit I do not work that way, but on the other hand i see no reason not to! Or at least parts of it. I'd like to meet some people once in a while, but of cause it shows the capabilities of our wonderful Internet, and some simple tools.

It's goes to show that you can do without the giant software companies, but sadly it also pokes at the core of why not so many companies are successful living the full web2.0 (shame on me) dream; It takes every one to get it rolling! I've trying running a project blog - i was tired of my boss asking "what are you doing, what have you been up to this week?", so I started a blog - the problem was, he didn't understand the value, and did not check it...

Anyways, take a look, it's a slideshare

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Decentralizing your social network to multiple network services

I had read about it some time ago, and was very interested to hear that there actually was some thought put into the growing problem of multiple social networks like LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook and so on...

Each compeeting each other on different user-expierence/ social angles; business, hobby or some other form of category - Leaving the users in a bit of a predicament, since using only one network-service rule may rule out a lot of friends not associated with that network.

In effect that means you would have to join any networks your friends are using, and/or making them join yours.
Getting your friends to join a network like LinkedIn, if they are not in the business of professional networking but maybe active on MySpace, can be quite hard - and will eventually just leave you and your friends with a lot of networks to update.

Seperating the basic metadata from the network part gives you the ability (in the future) to have friends on multiple networks, but not forceing you to activly join each and every network yourself.

XFN does exactly that - Defining the social relationship between people through simple linking - an advanced blogroll if you will.

Read all about XFN here, and join!!!

Which i found through this post on Scobleizer

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Site Review testing technique

I've allways used this "technique" and just glad to find a description of it. (Since i rarely take the time to describe such things myself)

A site review is basically an
unstructured inspection by a third party, typically focusing
on the site's usability and aesthetics.

Read the whole thing here

I think i have two levels of Site Review; Free-form, where i just browse a site as i would have done, being a normal user/visitor. And the more structured function specific approach where i focus on the different flows and it's functions on a website - in the order a visitor would normally encounter them.

The first approach is of cause flavored by my background to some extend and would never replace actual user-tests, but more a technique to be used in the early stages before launch.

The second makes way for iterative reviews of specific flows or functions within a flow, and would often prove the most thorough of the two.

Trying to make a reviews findings structured - because i was asked to by a friend ;) I've taken the time to make a template document with the following simple structure:

Page: [Page name or entire URL]

Screenshot: [An entire or partial picture of the page in question]

Issues: [List of issues]

Solutions: [List of possible solutions to each of the found issues]

I try to keep only one screenshot a page, making it easier for the author to scrap ones that have been corrected or dealt with.

Also on each page i put a date and time along with a page number to make sure the many pages a test might amount to has some structure, which often follows the flow of the test, making the page number quite important in understanding the entire test.

I'm also experimenting with having a Scope: [which specific part of the web page is reviewed and with what kind of angle] (eg. user perspective – flow from the profiles page after first log in)

This translates to a test conducted upon the first log in after registering on the page. Log in being excluded from the test.

This structure should be used in both the free-form and the more structured Site Review.

Update to this post: I've made a Document template, which works well using MS-Word macros. I've put the document online here (without macros)

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RFID tagging the city bicycles to make them geosearchable

In Copenhagen, just like a lot of other big cities - we have free to use bicycles which is located around the city in special bike-racks. You get one by putting a 20kr - coin into the release mechanism, a coin you'll get back when you put the bike in one of the special bike-racks in another part of town.

The problem

There are never any bikes when you need them... partly because they are simply stolen, I think someone once told me that 50% of the bikes disappeared every year... that's a lot!!!

I don't think that this idea will solve that problem... or maybe it could help relocate the missing bikes if proper geo tagging is implemented.

The spark that created this idea

You take:

- City bikes concept

- An idea about RFID tagged umbrellas called Dutch Umbrella

- An online metro map, showing the current positions of all metro trains called Byens Puls (=City pulse, you know the nerve line of the city)

The Idea

Well it all most spells itself out - adding the 3 together, you get an online map showing where the city bikes are located, so you can decide where to go an pick one up, or don't bother at all. Also enabling the geo tagging /GPS, could enable a return-bike-crew to find lost bikes and put them in to use again - I know they have a crew finding lost bikes in Aarhus, but they rely on common sense - as to where people usually through the bikes after use...

Take a bit more from the Dutch Umbrella idea; I read some place (innovationlab.dk) that they are giving store owners, who offer a so called raindrop (a pick-up and drop point) valuable information of the umbrellas way around town, making interesting data on the whereabouts of your potential customers. So for example a candy-store owner can see that 60% of his customers come from the nearby cinema - making it possible for him to focus marketing and so on.

Another angle on this idea is that it provides some social public awareness. "where is everybody?" is not a question you have to ask anymore, you can check to see where all the bikes are - maybe there is a concert you didn't know about...

Where the Dutch Umbrella works well if it's raining a lot, the bike concept is better during the summer - maybe the two should co-exists...


My Personality - another test

I'm a sucker for these kind of tests, so here's one from something called 41 Questions. 1 Personality.


My result

Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.

Careers that could fit Kåre Mulvad includes

Actors, journalists, writers, musicians, painters, consultants, psychologists, psychiatrists, entrepreneurs, teachers, counselers, politicans, diplomats, television reporters, marketers, scientists, sales representatives, artists, clergy, public relations, social scientists, social workers.

I don't know if such a test always puts out something positive - but often i get surprised how acurate they seem - maybe it's a bit like a fortune teller ;)

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Why Mindmap when you can Wiki?

... or why Wiki when you can mind map?

I should hurry to say that I'm not for one and against another - they are two powerful tools in their own way. And that is exactly what I'm wondering about - when is one better than the other. I remember to have read some comment somewhere (typical of me to forget), about using wiki's as a mind mapping or brainstorming tool.

In lack of a mind mapping software installed (like Openmind og Mindmanager) I'll do it on a simple and also powerful manner... a list:

Mind map pros:
- creates overview
- quick to use
- generates a lot of keywords
- visual image of complexity
- related keywords

Mind map cons:
- lack of information
- a screen is only that big...
- hard to use on the Internet (i know there are some online mind mapping tools around - just check out the tools section on Innovationtools.com)

Wiki pros:
- all the information in one place
- related information
- links to non-existing information (wiki pages)
- born to be used on the Internet

Wiki cons:
- lack of overview
- not quite as fast (despite it's name)

Sum of it all
I think it's not all black and white... i all ways miss the nice visual overview whenever it's not there - and it could be in a lot of places in the business world today. We are so busy making lists and so on, but they aren't well perceived in peoples minds and aren't that easy remembered...

The ( ) stuff in my list above might suggest a wiki would have giving me more space and structure to elaborate, while the shortness and quickness of the list (aka. the mind map) gave me the overview to go in depth with each and every keyword - if i witched to do so...

I would say that a wiki with a mind map overview would be a killer app. - anyone with some Apollo (or adobe air) knowledge up for a challenge?

There are definitely more pros and cons to put on each of the above topics, so pls. do so if you feel the urge...



CowParade - Do some Cow catching with your mobile

This summer in Copenhagen a bunch of cows are invading the city space - read the official explanation here.

At the moment they are moving the cow's out from their "storage" and that is actually a funny thing - because it makes the cows much more alive!! Suddenly a cow is standing in your way...

I don't know exactly for how long the cows are staying, but that is not the important thing here... the focus is the public space, and making people see and interact with it.

On the http://www.cowparade.dk/ they came up with the idea that if you saw a cow, you should take a photo of it and send it to them... that's great, but i thought if they kept moving the cows around making it more live - the competition would be all that more exciting, also encouraging people to explore their own city in new ways.

Well for now - if you spot a cow - take a photo of it and send it to: konkurrence@cowparade.dk


WiTricity - yeaaah baby!!

For some years now I've been saying it would be great when power became wireless, and i think maybe a year ago i read something about someone actually in the process of creating a device for you to put on your cellphone og laptop battery, enabling it to be charged through an induction type pad... wich then could be installed in various place like your office table...

Telling about it, people normally said " what if i obstructed the wireless power - would you get electricuted?"
Well Read the press release from MIT and see the picture... looks cool...

You can also visit their webpage

It's probalbly not going commercial just yet - it's not that power efficient - YET!


Making a business of finding and sharing information

The issue

You know the constant FYI-emails, IM's and so on, from people in your network, just letting you know they found some interesting stuff for you to look at. Based on their perception of you and what you'd be interested in. Sometimes you'll receive the same FYI 3-4 times - from different people, just adding to the information overload / spam!! The FYI's combined with your own information scouting can take up quite a substantial time during a day... some days you might feel behind on information, because you aren't able to cope with the large amount.

The Combination

I do my share of FYI's to people in my network, being sales leads, or input to projects I know people are working on, to plain old spare time interests. And some (of us) are just better at finding the information than others. Combine this with the "Personal shopper" concept, found in various implementations around the world. Best known in Denmark as a Christmas event in bigger retail stores - helping the men picking presents for the entire family - and wife.

The new concept

Through customizable categories on a website and personal meetings, defining people profiles, making sure that only the right and relevant information comes at a time YOU want it. Having scoters keeping an eye on the information’s of interest in numerous places, giving you the update you need when you need it. The amount of information and time between each update should be highly agile, enabling for quick shifts depending on the current state of "need of knowledge" Maybe topping the information update with information summary’s on requested subjects. Enabling a company to have a start-up meeting on a subject, which is to be attacked?


Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface

I remeber seeing or hearing about something like this a couple of years back... it's was a vision about mobiles becomming so powerfull that their small dimensions of screens would become the biggest obstacle. Therefore some guy og group forsaw that in the future mobiledevices would be able to lend screen-space on large table-top or whiteboard like screens.

And now Microsoft went and spoild it all by saying something like... i love you ;)
Naa, just kidding - that is pretty cool - that's my new cofeetable right there!!


Codeless creditcard

I keep forgetting the code on my creditcard - it's actually so bad that i forget where i write the code on the "rember-your-code"-helper wich comes with a new credit card....

Recently i got a new laptop, with a thumbreader... and that got me thinking: Why not combine the two!??

Put a thumbreader on the creditcard, and you'll never have to remeber a code again.
- powered by the card-reader it should work just fine...

But then i just saw this article:

It'a about a personal card wich uses biometric data to lock and identify you... enabling the card as not only a creditcard, but also as digital signature, key to personal information like medical info etc.


Small storage rooms free to use

You know the storage rooms on trainstations and some shopping centers, where you drop a coin (10-20 DKK) to store your bag for a period.

I never have coins on me, so I though, why not let me store my stuff for free in exchange for some info...

The process:
1. I put my bag in the storage room
2. Closes the door
3. Locking the door by typing a password of my choise
4. Leaving....

5. Comming back, wanting to get my bag.
6. typing the password
7. If the password is correct, then I'm asked to answer a questionnaire of some kind.
could be:
- Polls about Politics or city plans
- Popular music/art...
- Semi personal: What was your purpose of your visit to this city
- Product related questions

The cost of having the storagerooms are sponsored by the questionnaires.

The questions shouldn't take too long to fill out, and should be anonymous.

Inner city beeing space for D-I-Y people

I recently moved to the "big" city of Copenhagen. Comming from the comfort of a house with adjacent garden, toolsheet and plenty of room for my powertools, i suddently found myself having trouble dooing the simplest things. No room for my workbench, and no place where i can make a bit of a mess without the girlfriend gooing through the roof.

Then i remembered this:


The idea i simple, in this sweing cafe you get multiple things: Social network, help, machinery (if you don't have your own), space and storage.

Projecting this idea onto my missing garage/work-space i'm thinking of a Work-café where you can come in to make the new shelf, fixing your bike, reparing the chairs and so on.

The place should provide:

- Storage space for your projects and own powertools

- Crowd ordering of materials to get good prices

- Ordering from house-suppliers to get special deals

- Tools to lend if you don't have the rigth tool for the job yourself

- Community workstations for everybody to use (maybe book online)

The cafe will provide a social network you seldomly get in your own garage, and the comfort and safty of collective skils to ensure you in undertaking large/new projects.


Advanced comfort zone

You all know the feeling. The hazel of setting the aircomdition just right in your car. When first entering the car, sweating because of the hot summer weather you crank up the airflow and setting the degrees to freeze!

After a few minuts you are in sub zero temperatures, and now you have to turn the temp. To the prefered 20. Putting it to 20 from the begining is of course also a possibility. But your skin temperatur changes all the time and 20 may not be the correct temp. for long. So you have to change the settings again.

The idea:)
In house inspections, they have surface heat debtors which can register temperatures on surfaces. Connecting such a device to the aircon. In a car could automatically set the temp. Most optimal relative to your given skin temperatur.

DK| Get your ideas stolen

Et rigtigt godt indlæg på cw.dk af Kenny Munck "Sæt en ære i at få stjålet din ide", som jeg også har kommenteret lidt på.

Et af de links jeg nævner :
passer godt i tråd med en tidligere post:
da de netop holder cafe-møder.
Deltag i deres næste her:


Keep track of new songs you want to buy

The problem:
When lisening to music on the way home - in the car, the bus, the bike or where ever you might have some sort of personal radio-music device. Often when i listen to the radio i hear tracks I'd really like to buy - but since i'm busy doing other stuff than writing down the artist name, album and track name/number i never get around to buying the cd's.

The solution:
A bluetooth or other wireless or USB-enabled device which records the digital-id for each number i'm listening to. Alternatively it only records the id's when i push a button on the device.

I'm seeing this device as a USB-key. This is because more and more car-radios has USB ports, and because you can install programs directly to the usb key.

Uppon accessing a computer, the digital-id's can be transformed into a download list, or a list of the cd's for me to buy in an online store.

There is actually two products in this idea. 1. the usb-key (or just the program) and 2. the online store which has a record of the digital-id's

All tracks played today has a digital signatur. (RDS)

I've been looking into this - and it turns out that the RDS-forum has an article on the underlying technology required.

RT+ will allow the radio receiver to "understand" the broadcast Radiotext. Understanding means, the radio station can tell the receiver,
that Madonna is an "artiste" Material Girl is the "title", but also
that 0800123456 is the "hotline phone number" and 08002132123 is the "sms number to purchase the title" and
that Andrew is arriving is an "alarm" and listener can get more info at either 0800-212122 or www.hurricane.org or at another FM frequency
The receiver will be able to act accordingly. It may display Title and Artiste nicely, and if it has a built-in back-channel (if it is a phone) the user might call the hotline with one click or the user can get more information from a web-site or from a hotline or even switch to another frequency.

The examples given here are somewhat standard for what you can expect i guess - but I'm still hoping to see this implementet in phones (as they write), Ipods, USB-keys and laptops.

When talking about USB-keys, i can see this together with the "central usbkey-hub" idea, previously written here: http://imaginatory.blogspot.com/2006/12/central-usbmemmory-readers-in-house.html


DK| Den digitale arbejdsplads

Jeg beskyldes ofte for ikke af kunne huske, og måske til tider virke en anelse perpleks. Det kan for så vidt også være sandt nok. Og det skal jeg ikke bortforklare og undskylde – Jeg er nu en gang som jeg er.

I forbindelse med læsning af Microsofts hvidbog om den digitale arbejdsplads gik det op for mig, hvorfor en del af min manglende huske evne kommer til udtryk som den gør – små (ligegyldige) detaljer. Ligegyldige er mit indtryk af dem, og altså mit filter der således sortere disse for mig uvæsentlige informationer fra. (Tryk på overskriften for at komme til den engelske version af hvidbogen - som egentlig er en Bill Gates tale - Jeg har også en pdf...)

Når jeg skal forklare en af de evner jeg selv syntes at besidde – at skabe overblik over ellers komplekse ting. Så er en indre visualisering oftest svaret. Da det jo foregår inde i hovedet og jeg ikke selv har de grafiske evner til at lave en tegning der kan vise det, må jeg henlede opmærksomheden på det udmærkede program MindManager. Programmet danner mindmaps, og de representerer et logisk billede at mit indre overblik.

Dermed er det ikke sagt at min hjerne er som MindManager og omvendt. Hjernen fungerer langt mere komplekst end noget program nogen siden kan modellere, og programmet kan også ting med det elektroniske mindmap som jeg ikke kan med mit indre…

Jeg tror at evnen til at kunne skabe overblik til dels fås ved at ofre lidt af detaljerings niveauet.
Det kan lyde som en dårlig handel, men hvis man tænker modulært og vælger at fokusere på det rette niveau på det rette tidspunkt, så får man alligevel detaljerne med. Eller som en gammel lærer sagde til mig ”En elefant spises en bid ad gangen”.


DK| Cafemiljøer stimulerer it-innovatører

Cafemiljøerne danner infrastruktur for en helt ny innovationsbevægelse af “high-tech-nomader”.

Jeg har kommenteret på bloggen fra CW på bla. nedenstående aspekter.

Disse cafemiljøer er i dag alle udstyret med high-speed wi-fi (trådløst internet), og danner en helt ny underliggende infrastruktur med top vibrationer, for en helt ny innovationsbevægelse af “high-tech-nomader”, der primært bekender sig til mobile teknologier og web 2.0-tidsånden.

Hvad, den nye high-tech nomadebølge i San Francisco-området også viser, er, at infrastrukturberebet til stadighed bliver bredere og bør forholde sig til potentielle brugsværdi-optimeringer af eksisterende fysiske rammer, mobilitetsadfærd, de praktiske rammer omkring nye arbejdsformer og sociale netværksdannelser.


Merging Work and Family life

Share selected photos from the weekend trip to the forrest, child birthday or yesterdays party with your co-workers on a public digital photo-wall showing your photos alongside your co-workers.

This is done to spark co-worker relationships and a great way to get to know your co-workers in depth. Rather than just hearing about the kayak trip - see it. Use the photos as an offset to a much more personalized conversation with the person next to you.

So now i've put a feed from my own personal online photo-wall - look at the bottom of the page, or click here
Also i put a del.icio.us tag-cloud up, wich features tags from my favorite links - and a link to the collection. - to the right...

All done in the name of merging ;)


Open-space brainstorming

Imagine if a brainstorm was not carried out in a closed office-spaced, only for the invited...
Imagine an open-space - hallway space, where brainstorm topic and boundaries are posted on the walls, enabling the team brainstorming to get even more input from people passing through... what if that one person that came by your brainstorm was the one with the key input to launch you to the next level ?=!

One topic at a time of cause
The brainstorm owners present of cause
And an active core of people brainstorming, making it into an active environment...


Visible work load

I'm a yes man... and that is not allways good, because i tend to have a lot of tasks on my table at all times.
But it's not always visible how many or if they are looked at in a timely manner...
Thinking about the red and green balls you see in a lot of "innovative" offices, where you put a green one in a bowl if you have a good day or a red if you have a bad...

Having a clear tube where you stack a ball for each current task , making it very easy to see how many you have.
The stacking of the balls makes a first-in-first-out approach to task solving easy to controll. Different colors can represent different types of tasks. A task can be worked on over a number of days, putting the ball back in the stack when done for the day. A DAY ball, making it visible how many tasks you have for that day...

Rape repellent pants

On my way home i heard about another rape attempt on a girl... got me thinking if there was somekind of way to make it harder to actually getting to the rape part - something that would give the girl time enough to react, get away or call for help.


  • Nano tech. clothing
  • Belt lock-buckle
  • Panick button pants
  • Auto-call mobile nr.

Get 10 alternative reciept ideas on your way out

There has been some talk about food-stores having a more responsible role in the public health. Here in DK some has even removed meet with over 12% fat...

From that i got the idea of the store offering you 10 alternative reciepts on your way out, based on the stuff you just bought +/- one or two products...

That way people could get more variated meals .

A bit of an add-on idea on the previous shopping bag for the fast and indecisive

Ambient photoframe on your desktop

I don't have the money for a real frame, and I don't have an office where I'd put up a frame... I'm not the kind of guy who has such things on my desk.

But nonetheless i'd like to have a picture of my girlfriend on my computer desktop, having the same features as the real life photoframes... does it exists ? I havn't found one yet...

closest was this guy:

Spectator cam from Second Life to public website

Just a small idea of having a kind of follow cam, as you see it in shoot-up games today, making it possible for outsiders (outside of SL) to have a look and see what SL is and what is going on right now.

Could be a list of SL-residents wich you could follow arround, if they where signed up on some sort of list...

Get personal with your public elected

Go-cards - we all know... Small simple idea is to have Go-cards pre-addressed to political parties, making it easy to let them hear your voice.

Could be combined with a poll on each card, giving the party something in return for listening to your ideas and complaints ...

Public idea-bank...

Why is it companies keep their ideas so tight that they tend to die or get overtaken by others before they are developed into quality products ?!

I've meet more than one person that was good at brainstorming and getting bright new ideas, but only one or two had the same passion for DIVERSITY as I do.

It's with ideas as it is with solution-solving and development in general - it only gets better if more eyes look at it.

So why not have a simple public idea-bank ? - Imaginatory if you will ;)
The thing is - I know that most of my ideas might never develop much further than what you see on core.makebelieve.dk - BUT having a public idea inventory where ideas flourish and idea creators are complemented on their ideas, now that would truly set the scene for an innovative country...

Thinking i Creative Commons can be used to controll use of ones ideas ?

Is this what i mean...


Favorite vote panel

Connect a panel with 5-6 (i don't remember how many they have) stars (as Ipod) to your Ipod, where you can push any number of stars during a number to give the current song a star rating.

The actual rating of any current song will be displayed while playing. Leaving the stars turned on does not alter the rating.

Baseline playlist

Create a baseline playlist wich can be interupted by placing RFID-tagged items in a queue like rak, where each item is coded to a specific song (each song has an globally ID)
The added song are then integrated temporally into the playlist.

Playlist CD-cover holder

A CD-cover holder connected to an ipod, where the order of the cd-covers decides the frequence of songs from that cd. The higher placement, the more often a song from that cd will be played.

It's a buildt on the well known favorite-star function in Ipod.

The Leftovers Restaurent

Inspired by a Springwise spot regarding a restaurent with no kitchen, but a collection of menu-cards from the nearby fast-food supplyers, I though of having a restaurent where you brought your leftovers - for others to enjoy while you enjoy leftovers that are not your own.

Now i know a lot of health issues is envolved here !!! And I'm not a judge when it comes to the reality of implementing such an idea.

Because of the health issue, i thought that the main issue for most people would be trusting the other "food supplys" so i came up with the idea that the food your shared should be with your friends, so the restaurent should support both a eat with your friends get togeather to eat, and a get offered what your friends might have submitted ... and only what your friends have submitted.

Food should ofcause be free, only paying for any heating or preperation nessasary.

Now again i know the idea is loos, so i put a charity angle on it - make a leftover restaurent for the homeless. People would then donate last nights leftovers to the restaurent, wich would then serve it to the homeless anytime of the day.

Again donating dry-goods would also bee a good place to do this, dry-goods has the quality to stay fresh for a long time, and homeless would be able to carry it with them to the streets. Dry-goods can also be sent to poor countries.


If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

Chat with me