
Open-space brainstorming

Imagine if a brainstorm was not carried out in a closed office-spaced, only for the invited...
Imagine an open-space - hallway space, where brainstorm topic and boundaries are posted on the walls, enabling the team brainstorming to get even more input from people passing through... what if that one person that came by your brainstorm was the one with the key input to launch you to the next level ?=!

One topic at a time of cause
The brainstorm owners present of cause
And an active core of people brainstorming, making it into an active environment...


Visible work load

I'm a yes man... and that is not allways good, because i tend to have a lot of tasks on my table at all times.
But it's not always visible how many or if they are looked at in a timely manner...
Thinking about the red and green balls you see in a lot of "innovative" offices, where you put a green one in a bowl if you have a good day or a red if you have a bad...

Having a clear tube where you stack a ball for each current task , making it very easy to see how many you have.
The stacking of the balls makes a first-in-first-out approach to task solving easy to controll. Different colors can represent different types of tasks. A task can be worked on over a number of days, putting the ball back in the stack when done for the day. A DAY ball, making it visible how many tasks you have for that day...

Rape repellent pants

On my way home i heard about another rape attempt on a girl... got me thinking if there was somekind of way to make it harder to actually getting to the rape part - something that would give the girl time enough to react, get away or call for help.


  • Nano tech. clothing
  • Belt lock-buckle
  • Panick button pants
  • Auto-call mobile nr.

Get 10 alternative reciept ideas on your way out

There has been some talk about food-stores having a more responsible role in the public health. Here in DK some has even removed meet with over 12% fat...

From that i got the idea of the store offering you 10 alternative reciepts on your way out, based on the stuff you just bought +/- one or two products...

That way people could get more variated meals .

A bit of an add-on idea on the previous shopping bag for the fast and indecisive

Ambient photoframe on your desktop

I don't have the money for a real frame, and I don't have an office where I'd put up a frame... I'm not the kind of guy who has such things on my desk.

But nonetheless i'd like to have a picture of my girlfriend on my computer desktop, having the same features as the real life photoframes... does it exists ? I havn't found one yet...

closest was this guy:

Spectator cam from Second Life to public website

Just a small idea of having a kind of follow cam, as you see it in shoot-up games today, making it possible for outsiders (outside of SL) to have a look and see what SL is and what is going on right now.

Could be a list of SL-residents wich you could follow arround, if they where signed up on some sort of list...

Get personal with your public elected

Go-cards - we all know... Small simple idea is to have Go-cards pre-addressed to political parties, making it easy to let them hear your voice.

Could be combined with a poll on each card, giving the party something in return for listening to your ideas and complaints ...

Public idea-bank...

Why is it companies keep their ideas so tight that they tend to die or get overtaken by others before they are developed into quality products ?!

I've meet more than one person that was good at brainstorming and getting bright new ideas, but only one or two had the same passion for DIVERSITY as I do.

It's with ideas as it is with solution-solving and development in general - it only gets better if more eyes look at it.

So why not have a simple public idea-bank ? - Imaginatory if you will ;)
The thing is - I know that most of my ideas might never develop much further than what you see on core.makebelieve.dk - BUT having a public idea inventory where ideas flourish and idea creators are complemented on their ideas, now that would truly set the scene for an innovative country...

Thinking i Creative Commons can be used to controll use of ones ideas ?

Is this what i mean...


Favorite vote panel

Connect a panel with 5-6 (i don't remember how many they have) stars (as Ipod) to your Ipod, where you can push any number of stars during a number to give the current song a star rating.

The actual rating of any current song will be displayed while playing. Leaving the stars turned on does not alter the rating.

Baseline playlist

Create a baseline playlist wich can be interupted by placing RFID-tagged items in a queue like rak, where each item is coded to a specific song (each song has an globally ID)
The added song are then integrated temporally into the playlist.

Playlist CD-cover holder

A CD-cover holder connected to an ipod, where the order of the cd-covers decides the frequence of songs from that cd. The higher placement, the more often a song from that cd will be played.

It's a buildt on the well known favorite-star function in Ipod.

The Leftovers Restaurent

Inspired by a Springwise spot regarding a restaurent with no kitchen, but a collection of menu-cards from the nearby fast-food supplyers, I though of having a restaurent where you brought your leftovers - for others to enjoy while you enjoy leftovers that are not your own.

Now i know a lot of health issues is envolved here !!! And I'm not a judge when it comes to the reality of implementing such an idea.

Because of the health issue, i thought that the main issue for most people would be trusting the other "food supplys" so i came up with the idea that the food your shared should be with your friends, so the restaurent should support both a eat with your friends get togeather to eat, and a get offered what your friends might have submitted ... and only what your friends have submitted.

Food should ofcause be free, only paying for any heating or preperation nessasary.

Now again i know the idea is loos, so i put a charity angle on it - make a leftover restaurent for the homeless. People would then donate last nights leftovers to the restaurent, wich would then serve it to the homeless anytime of the day.

Again donating dry-goods would also bee a good place to do this, dry-goods has the quality to stay fresh for a long time, and homeless would be able to carry it with them to the streets. Dry-goods can also be sent to poor countries.


If you have any input to any of the stuff you read on my blog, please let me know in the comments or -

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