For at kunne koncentrere snakken lidt, har Bloggratisavis projektet fået sin helt egen blog - frit for enhver at være med i og det glæder jo også resten af konceptet:
Håber at vi ifb. med de mange politiske indspark ifb. med valget får nogle gode blogposts med til første udgivelse - så op i gear, og smid de gode posts i systemet!
Vores egent Willumsgaard2.0 er jo stillet op til Folketinget for NA - se hans nye blog her, måske der er et par gode posts der kan gafles i ny og næ...
De har nogle gode pointer, som jeg støtter op om: - Det dør, hvis det bliver for meget røde-mor-kollektiv-alle-skal-være-med-i-alle-beslutninger - Det lever hvis der er en form for hård kerne af "smagsdommere" der udvælger og publicerer
At Digg-klonen Pligg, godt nok åbner op for at alle kan være med, ser jeg blot som en lav indgangsbarriere (eller ikke eksisterende), for at være med som smagsdommer - jeg tror over tid, at der vil være en semi-dynamisk kerne af folk omkring projektet, som sørger for at der bliver gjort opmærksom på og stemt på de blogsposts der findes ude i den danske blogosfære.
Mht. den brainstorm der har været på navnet - så er det så absolut ikke udtryk for at alle beslutninger skal tages således, men for simple ting som (er sekundære) et navn, så er en brainstorm jo perfekt, og noget ALLE kan være med i. Og jeg vil opfordre folk til at stemme - også uden at komme med nye bud :)
Og helt rigtigt, så er det bare om at komme ud over stepperne, og få smækket et issue#1 ud, så vi kan se hvad det kan blive til i fremtiden. Og nej, hvis det skulle gå hen og dø, jammen så er det sådan det går, og så har vi prøvet det med :)
Så absolut en af de bedste posts jeg har læst i et stykke tid - og så er den handy i en snæver vending ved web20-events i foråret - måske Claus skal overveje at opdatere de flygtige slangudtryk en gang i måneden eller oftere, alt efter hvor wæbtuøv vinden blæser.
Af geniale udtryk kan listes: - "wæbtuøv" - "Du bliver sværere at forstå og opleves som klogere, end du er" - har jeg helt sikkert benyttet mig af :) - "Flyt kommaer de rigtige steder" - "Tag clouds er som laserlys til rockkoncerter: GAMMELDAGS" - ville jeg gerne have kendt for 1½ mdr. siden... - "...det er pulsen, der har fingeren på dig"
Min helt egen wæbtuøv trend hedder:
"Det handler alt sammen om at brugermedier går native med et twist af cool earth"
Just a shout out to get some Linklove for a couple of blogs I'm participating in:
100idears (in danish) My brothers new blog about ideation, ideageneration, innovation - how do we do it? He's involved in a lot of different innovative projects in his job, and i kindly asked him to start blogging about it! It's still new, but it should be interesting to get an insight in the idea-process of the danish library.
Jeg gjordet det selv - bloggen (in danish) A new blog I started a few day's ago - it meant as a help to self-help (if you can say that in English). I'm not an expert in the home improvement department, but I've done my fair share of house renovation - enough to share some insights weather it be about making your paintings stick to the wall or fixing the radiator before it gets too cold out there. You can submit a question, issue or whatever you want me and others to help show and tell - all in the name of making you go "Jeg gjordet det selv!" (I did it myself!).
SHARE A BRAINWAVE This is pure linklove, because i find this a very intriguing concept - and I would suggest you participate in what ever way you would like.
A free Blog "news" paper - project (in danish) This is a project which is gaining momentum - and I'm very exited in where it might end - go have a look, read the whole thing - especially the comments, that's where the juice is. I'm taking part - so could you.
Jeg kom til at læse om Najda Pass' første forsøg med en bormaskine. Det indholdsrige kommentarspore og en efterfølgende hæftig idegenering har nu resulteret i en ny blog "Jeg gjorde det selv"-bloggen som er sat i verden til at sprede det gode gør-det-selv gen, som vi alle ligger inde med. Det kræver bare et skub i den rigtige retning, og det kan vi være fælles om at give.
Så klik ind og se om der ligger en beretning eller et trick til hvordan en radiator "luftes", så den giver god varme i vinteren. Hvis du ikke finder det du leder efter, så smid en mail til - så vil jeg lave et indlæg om netop dit problem.
Du skal også være velkommen til at skrive en beretning om en af dine egne gør-det-selv episoder, så den kan stå til skue, skræk og advarsel - eller generel opslyning om hvad man kan og ikke kan/skal gøre som glad gør-det-selv'er.
There is actually 2 of these - one for the e-mail and one for the phone number, both of which you HAVE to select in order to get the free trail of Live Meeting. I can't believe that i actually went through with it - if somebody call me, I will through a fit!
If you went - "what the hell is this", here is the Meme and the Memetag wikipedia explanation.
So let me just jump right into it... Here's 8 things about me - Kåre Mulvad, ´78 male, CPH@DK@Earth:
1. I've found the love of my life: Louise, we tried having a house 25km from Århus, 2 cars and 2 cats Vegas and Bastian. Sold the house when we where finished revamping it - now we live in CPH 1112 - the best thing we ever did! We miss having the cats - and I tell you, having those buggers running around you made both of us real animal lovers. Having cats though you have to make the choice to accept birds as collateral damage.
2. I'm a passionate kiteflier mostly Buggy and All-Train-Boards - I gladly drive 3 hours to Rømø to spend the weekend, sleeping in the car :)
3. I had a stress related leave of absence for approx. 3 months in 2006 - something i wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to experience! (I have no enemies) Made me consciously aware of where I'm going with my life (not necessarily having a clear goal - hence Goal-free-living)
4. I mostly read books about creativity, innovation and web(2.0) - and "Happy hour is 9 to 5" which i just got ;) Read on an average of 30 blogposts a day, from 110 feeds... that takes some time you know, so i begun cutting the crap. If it's not within my field of interest or otherwise has caught my attention - it's gone! Techcrunch went, Blognation might disappear as well - those kind of blogs are for skimming once a week at most - doesn't need RSS for that...
5. Sometimes it feels like my mind is exploding with what if's, why is that's and could we do's - That's actually the reason why I started blogging. I use a lot of energy to keep my mind sane - one way is to see the big picture, and only go in detail when it's focus-time... If nothing else does the trick I make a mindmap ;)
6. I "grew up" with PC, even got a SharePoint "poweruser" course on my CV - but in reality I'd much rather have a MAC - haven't worked on a Mac for more than 30 min. all in all, but the design makes me want one soooo bad! I believe the only app. i need is Firefox - seeing this one made me a believer.
7. I unsubscripted the Danish church tax "thing" on my 18th birthday - I don't believe - I makebelieve... It's so much more fun!
8. Wondering if I should put an "i" in front of makebelieve - ? - what do you think ???
That was my eight, some might come as a surprise, some might not - hope you enjoyed :)
I've been saying this for a while - with no backup but my own network to look at - the true innovative ideas is not (only) coming from the well educated portion of the employees. Without finding a paper to support that idea but a lot of other voices in the blogosphere, I tried to do a picture search on flickr on "innovative" and this picture came up.
It has a slightly different approach to the sources to innovative ideas (as the title says), but interesting fact here is not that employees are top scores here. What's more interesting is that the second, third, forth, fifth AND sixth place are EXTERNAL sources - something a lot of companies have not realized yet.
I think today this list in most companies (if asked) would read: Employees, Internal sales and R&D (in that order) Where the Sales dep. by historic reference is taking the "external vibes" into the company... well it does to some degree i guess, but i doubt it does so in the amount of ideas combined in the external sources listed.
Reasons for not recognizing (some of) the external sources:
Customers - "They don't know what's good for them?"
Competitors - "They would just steal our ideas!"
Do you have "quotes" for the other external sources ??
I was having a nice dinner with Karin Hoegh after Open Coffee Club the other day- among a lot of things we remembered, what we thought, could be called the first Virtual World (attempt) in Denmark: Opasia.
Do you remember Opasia DK ?
Yes yes, it wasn't a "virtual" world back then, but if TDC had made Opasia today - wouldn't it have been one ?
Opasia was a brainchild of TDC. Bundled with their Lasat modems, Opasia was an so and so integrated part of your first TDC internet expirience. Trying to create a world/space/community/ portal to the internet.
Opasia, it still brings a smile to my face, not because i used it - i as probably many of you, quickly worked around it, and installed my own - non tdc version of the IE browser.
Scott Berkun is talking about his new book Myths of Innovation, and it's actually a greate story about how old innovations is, and how it's understood.
A question I never though coming, and then it did - a month or so ago... The question never really came up before, but then again, I never worked a place where the website was 10+years old... (might be overreacting a bit but judge for yourself here
Actually I think the question came with some choices:
- Every second year? - Every third year? - Every fifth year?
Not being a designer or anything, my answer is:
"Well, it depends on which design you are changing from, and how the marked you are working in is developing"
- do you agree?
In general though, i would say that the more "time-less" your design is, the longer it can live. Back when I worked at we almost always worked towards a re-design, and at that time we where releasing a new design approximately every second year - so maybe that is the answer...?
But on the other hand, if you have a relatively "light" design with a good CMS underneath, then the ability to make your website dynamic will do wonders to your websites life cycle - prolonging it that is...
As part of a weekend trip with work, we thought of trying to get to know one another on a more personal level than just work. To spark the talks, we decided to ask people to find some pictures that would tell something about who they really are - out side of work.
Lukely I come from a family used to take tons of photos, so I had a lot to choose from. The process of looking over my old photos with that in mind that it should "define me" was very mindbobbling. What does actually define you !?!
I came up with photos of:
- My old (not have any longer) truck, which I loved to hill-billy around in. - Me and my girlfriend moving from ... - Aarhus(Odder) ... - Copenhagen - I love cows (And i don't know why) - My love of my life Louise - here in my dads hot air balloon. - And oh year, my hobby - Kites.
(I didn't post the pictures here - but they are all here:
I know it can be misunderstood that Louise is not mentioned as the very first - but you should know she is with me in all the defining steps of my life!
One thing that surprises me, is that I thought that KITES would be more prominent, but it actually isn't right now. That said, of cause such "defining pictures" alters throughout your life. New ones will be added and others will disappear.
I like the idea of showing parts of the private life at work - the persona's or ideals with which we deal and live with through out our entire life defines us - no matter work of private...